“Being sustainable never looked so good”



This collection holds a special place in our hears, as we had the opportunity of celebrating it with you in person. On Thursday afternoon, 28.02, we met up with Marthe, Mika and Matteo and started prepping for the launch party. We placed NUET postcards on the tables, put up a rack of vintage gems and ordered a latte and a mocca, while the rest of the group practiced “idontwannabeyouanymore” by Billie Eilish and “Spis din syvende sans” by Karpe. Although it was a bit crowded, we couldn’t wish for a better night than this; organic coffee, live music and beautiful people talking about everything from sustainability to music. - Can you ask for more? Thank you to everyone who dropped by and shared the afternoon with us, and thank you to everyone who purchased an item, deciding to support ethical fashion. We are truly grateful and, without sounding pretentious, also very proud of all our hard work.

With this being said, if you are a new reader, you might not know what the hell we are talking about. So, if you are new, hello. NUET is a platform focusing on sustainable living, art and activism, and we just released our third collection of pre-loved and vintage clothing. We have answered some practical and frequently asked questions regarding the vintage shop here, but as we just dropped a new line of curated vintage, we thought it would be appropriate to write a more in-depth piece. So, here you go…


For our third collection of vintage, we decided on the name “Kjærleik”: From kjær (“dear”) +‎ -leik (“-ness”), from Old Norse kærleikr (“love”). Our initial idea was to capture the soft and loving side of “the kids on the block” nowadays. This generation of youth, that despite the accusations made by the baby boomers, is more than social media, appearance and avocado toast. Although there are still many improvements to be made, we are now more open to love in all its forms, than ever before - whether you are bi, heterosexual, asexual or don’t identify as anything. This generation celebrates love and is changing the fashion industry by focusing on the appreciation of self-love, fair trading and consciousness. Your typical “kids on the block” are not just hanging around, doing drugs and vandalising - most of them care about the future of this planet. Thousands of teenagers around the globe are protesting and declaring their love for the nature and environment. To put it simply, this collection is dedicated to you.


Why have we founded an online vintage store?

If you have read our previous articles concerning our vintage store, you will know by now that it was founded on the premiss of wanting to offer a sustainable and affordable option. Furthermore, we wanted to prove that being sustainable does not mean that you have to compromise in terms of style. In fact, we want to encourage self expression through style.

If you want to know more about our reasons for challenging the existing fast fashion industry and the way we look at and value our possessions, take a look at this article or this one … or this one - you know what? Just type “fast fashion” into the search bar. It’s a topic we never get tired of sharing about and will keep on fighting against, so click on an article you think sounds interesting.

To whom are the clothing meant for?

Everyone, regardless of gender, age, sexuality and all the other idiotic boxes that society wants to put us in! Hopefully you’ll find something that speaks to your style;)


For more information you are welcome to follow us on ig @nuetwear and @itsnuet

General enquiries: contact.nuet@gmail.com

Shop enquiries: nuet.wear@gmail.com

Kjærlig hilsen, Martine & Nora Marie